Wednesday, February 25, 2009

STEM students using phones for Schoolwork?

Today I approached a student during group research time in my Biotechnology class. He and the student next to him where on their phones - and it looked like they were texting. I took his phone and was surprised to see that he was actually doing research. Not only that - the student next to him was doing research also. At that point - I got so excited that I took photos fo them using their phones in such a productive way. The computer cart upstairs only has 10 computers, and given that my Biotechnology classes are in the upwards of 40, that leaves about one computer for 4 students! These students made good use of technology in a resource limited environment. Now, it is not as easy to make sure that students are on task on their phones as opposed to the laptops - however, just by walking around, I felt that I could keep them accountable. Very cool experience for me overall as a teacher!